25 Oct CIFPA’s feedback about EVSW held in Helsinki – October 2019
It was a very intensive week and a great opportunity to receive substantial input on the current issues related to Vocational Education and Training, create networks and build up new possible partnerships to promote VET within and outside EU.
The first day, together with other members of European Alliance for Apprenticeships, we listened to the experts and discussed the importance of high-quality lifelong learning opportunities for adults, the need of developing apprenticeships for adults and the necessity to provide equality of opportunities for both young people and adults to access labour market through work-based learning, Apprenticeships and lifelong learning.
At “VET for ALL- Skills for Life” conference, representatives of business sector, education and policy makers, looked at VET from different perspectives, tackling such burning issues as future of work, migration, environment and digitalization. Thanks to great moderation of Ms. Tamsin Rose, a facilitator and communications expert, all participants of the conference were given the opportunity to debate and ask experts about the role of VET in addressing global challenges, excellence and inclusion.
Mr. Jürgen Siebel, Director of CEDEFOP, provided a general overview on future skills needs:
Digital transformation breeds digital skill gaps, potentially affecting one in three workers, therefore sound digital and technological literacy is key to social and economic participation, adding: ‘Building the skills for tomorrow will require deep learning from one another, will impact on VET and require policy choices.”
On the third day Mr. Joao Santos, Deputy Head of Unit, in the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission, introduced us the concept of Vocational Excellence, which implies the engagement of VET institutions in co-creating solutions for local, social and economic development. Mr. Joao Santos also talked about the Commission’s initiative to establish Platforms of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE), to introduce a “European” dimension to Vocational Excellence and to facilitate meaningful partnerships between Centres of Vocational Excellence within and outside the EU.
And finally, Vocational Excellence Award Celebration was held, where committed people, organisations and outstanding projects were awarded for their contribution to raising attractiveness and quality in VET.
In conclusion, I’d like to say, that celebration of such events, its festive setting, inspiring examples of excellence and exchange of good practices, serves, without any doubts, as an excellent springboard for a great number of professionals, enthusiasts and people committed with VET to continue innovating and contributing to quality career and life.
To see plenary sessions
Web streaming
15 October: European Alliance for Apprenticeships
16 October: VET for ALL – Skills for Life Conference – plenary session
17 October: VET in and for the World Conference – plenary session
17 October: Vocational Excellence Award Nominees Celebration