16 Apr CIFPA manages nearly 200 mobilities in Europe
The third quarter marks the beginning of most of the European mobilities organized by the consortia managed by the Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA). These mobility consortiums were created with the aim of supporting public VET schools in Aragon in the mobility and internationalization of their students and teachers. They work especially with rural schools that do not have their own projects, but also with urban schools. At present, the Middle Grade consortium is made up of 42 centers and in the next few months another four will join. In the Higher Level consortium, there are 47 schools with Vocational Training and another 4 could join soon.
During the current period of mobilities, CIFPA is managing, on the one hand, 39 scholarships for students in Higher Level, 84 for students in Middle Level and 21 for accompanying teachers. On the other hand, thanks to this consortium, 56 teachers who teach in Higher and/or Intermediate Vocational Education and Training can carry out observation learning stays in companies or educational centers and specific training courses related to their professional families in different European countries.
Likewise, from CIFPA and in collaboration with other centers, such as the IES Ramón y Cajal of Zaragoza, mobilities are managed for the students of the Initial Qualification Program (PCI). In the case of the Zaragoza center, students and teachers have recently traveled to Mantova (Italy), where they will develop their on-the-job training.