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Proposed curriculum revision affected

State Network of Centers of Excellence in Vocational Training
Sector: Transportation and Logistics

Primary Project 5: Proposal for affected curriculum revision

This primary project is intimately linked to the Primary Project 4The analysis of the sectorial map and the training needs report prepared in this project have led to the conclusions to be taken into account in order to be able to carry out the affected curricular revision in the professional qualifications and therefore in the training cycles of the professional family of Commerce and Marketing with contents in Transport and Logistics.

The CIFPA Center of Excellence team led the creation of two working groups composed of:

  • Teachers of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, belonging to the professional family of Commerce and Marketing.
  • Companies in the Transport and Logistics sector. Specifically, the ALIA logistics cluster.

The curricular offer that has been reviewed in order to make proposals for updating has focused exclusively on two higher grade cycles:

  • Superior Degree in Transport and Logistics.
  • Higher Degree in International Trade.

The procedure we followed for the development of the working groups and the final proposals was as follows:

  • Analysis of the sector map and the training needs report prepared by the Smartpoint consulting firm for the Center of Excellence in Logistics and Transportation in 2023 (included in PP4).
  • Regulatory framework (R.D.659/2023) Ley de Ordenación del Sistema de la F.P.
  • Review of the curriculum and qualifications that make up the reference degree.
  • Preparation, by each of the working groups, of a report of proposals for the revision of the contents of the corresponding curriculum.

This project has culminated in the report sent to the Ministry "Proposal for the curricular revision of the training offered in the centers".

Do you have any questions? cex@cifpa.aragon.es