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Dissemination Forum

Expert voices in the VET of the future

A forum to talk about training and employment from the point of view of experience

We are at a time of change at the professional and employment level and, therefore, in the field of training. Lifelong learning is already a reality and a necessity. Therefore, from the CIFPA /CRN Dissemination Forum of Commercial Logistics and Transport Management we want to show you the activity that we develop. We will introduce you to people who have a lot of interesting things to tell you. Because, together, we design and develop proposals that contribute to create the professional training of the future.

Interview with Sergio Ibáñez, trainer in Artificial Intelligence (26/06/2024)

We reach the end of the season of our Dissemination Forum and we do it talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Sergio Ibáñez. VET teachers have shown great interest in recent months in learning about the possibilities of AI for their classrooms. We put an end to our Forum and wish you a well-deserved summer break.

Interview with David Sierra, co-founder of DCROW Soluciones Digitales (19/06/2024)

As the course is about to end, we talked in our Disclosure Forum with a former FP student and now entrepreneur: David Sierra. Together with Sebastián Ciocarlan they created DCROW Digital Solutions in the Business Incubator of the CPIFP Corona de Aragón. Now they are located in the Digital Campus Incubator. David Sierra is an example of an entrepreneur with many concerns.

Interview with Ruth Cuevas about the innovation project "Plantaromed" of the CPIFP Movera (12/06/2024)

One more week we talk in our Education Dissemination Forum. Today we focus, together with the teacher Ruth Cuevas from CPIFP Movera, on innovation in Vocational Training. Ruth will talk about the Plantaromed project whose objective is the cultivation of aromatic plants that can be used in the two professional families of the center: Agriculture and Food Industries.

Interview with Leticia Tomás, technical teaching advisor at the Directorate General of Planning, Centers and Vocational Training (05/06/2024)

We begin the month of June in our Dissemination Forum talking with Leticia Tomás, technical educational advisor in the General Directorate of Planning, Centers and Vocational Training. For the last few months she has been working in two specific areas: Career Guidance and Entrepreneurship.

Interview with Margarita Botaya, director of CPIFP Montearagón (Huesca) (05/29/2024)

This week we are joined in this forum by Margarita Botaya, director of CPIFP Montearagón in Huesca. In this interview she explains the recent incorporation of this center to the State Network of Centers of Excellence in Vocational Training in the social economy and care sector.

Interview with Mª Pilar Sánchez and Désirée Salamé on ACbR in VET: "Journey to the Center of the Challenge" (22/05/2024)

In the Dissemination Forum, the teachers of CPIFP Pirámide, Mª Pilar Sánchez, and of CPIFP Movera, Désirée Salamé, talk about the practical guide to apply ACbR in VET: "Journey to the Center of the Challenge". Together with five other VET teachers of the Aragonese Community, they have developed the resources and contents of this book which aims to support teachers who are introducing active methodologies in their classrooms. They tell us how to use this resource and explain how the process for its development has been.

Interview with Paule Mendialdua, Head of the Agricultural Dept. at CPIFP Montearagón (15/05/2024)

We continue in our Dissemination Forum talking about topics related to Vocational Training. Today we are joined by Paule Mendialdua, head of the Agricultural Department at CPIFP Montearagón, who is going to talk about the competition of forestry students that will take place in Romania next September and in which a team from this educational center in Huesca will be present.

Interview with Miguel Ángel Hernández on the new Dual Vocational Training (08/05/2024)

This week in CIFPA's Dissemination Forum we talked with Miguel Angel Hernandez, technical advisor in the Vocational Training Service. The central theme of the conversation is the Dual Vocational Training and we will know, at an important moment of changes, all the news of this training modality that will have two possibilities, the general Dual and the intensive Dual.

Dori Ascaso and Sergio Español talk about virtual reality in forest fire detection (01/05/2024)

Today Dori Ascaso (CPIFP Montearagón) and Sergio Español (Ábaco Digital) share space in our Dissemination Forum to talk about the regional innovation project "Virtual Reality for learning forest fire detection". This project involves the three CPIFP of Agraria de Aragón, the public company SARGA and the Department of Environment and Tourism of the Government of Aragon. The result of the project is the creation of materials in VR format for students to learn how to identify forest fires.

Interview with Ester Torres, technical teaching advisor at the Directorate General of Planning, Centers and Vocational Training (17/04/2024)

This week we are joined in the Dissemination Forum by Ester Torres, technical teaching advisor in the Directorate General for Planning, Centers and Vocational Training. Ester Torres has recently joined this position, which is responsible for issues such as the management of teacher training stays in companies, distance vocational training, the quality management system in the centers and the bilingualism program. In fact, tomorrow, April 18, CIFPA will host a conference on best practices in bilingualism in VET.

Interview to Irene Fernandez and Unai Esteban, founders of Oniric View (10/04/2024)

We start this quarter in our Dissemination Forum with two young entrepreneurs who have embarked on this adventure with the security offered by the business incubator of CPIFP Los Enlaces. They are Unai Esteban and Irene Fernández, founders of ONIRIC VIEW, a company dedicated to software development, multimedia production and training services.

Interview with Óscar Sánchez, Head of Aragón's Vocational Training Service (27/03/2024)

We close this quarter's Disclosure Forum with the head of the Vocational Training Service, Óscar Sánchez, who talks about current issues such as the new Vocational Training Law and its adaptation to Aragonese regulations. He also tells us the latest regarding the registration in Social Security of students enrolled in the VET module FCT.

Interview with Leonard Przykucki, Aragon representative for SpainSkills in Industrial Control (20/03/2024)

In our Dissemination Forum we are joined by a young guest who is going to tell us interesting things about Vocational Training. This is Leonard Przykucki, who has completed the Higher Cycle of Automation and Industrial Robotics at IES Gallicum in Zuera and who next month will be representing Aragon in the Spainskills, in the Industrial Control modality.

Interview to Edgar Gonzalez, Aragon representative for SpainSkills in Mechanical Manufacturing (03/13/2024)

This week we talked in CIFPA's Dissemination Forum with a young VET student who is finishing his preparation for the next Spainskills competition, to be held next April in Madrid. He is Edgar Gonzalez, student of the Higher Cycle of Design and Mechanical Manufacturing at the IES Virgen Del Pilar de Zaragoza, who will compete in the CAD Mechanical Design modality. We will be back after the Easter vacations with more interviews and hopefully with an Aragonese winner in the national competition.

Interview with José Antonio Navarro, coordinator of the Masterclass.TMV innovation project (06/03/2024)

In this week's Forum we talk to CIFPA's advisor, José Antonio Navarro, who tells us about the innovation project "Masterclass. TMV". An initiative that links the company with the VET classroom showing, through streaming, specific and innovative work processes that are developed in the company environment and reach the classroom through audiovisual media located in the ATECA classrooms.

Interview with Laura Ania, Aragon representative for SpainSkills in 3D Animation and Video Games (28/02/2024)

On this occasion we are accompanied by Laura Ania, student of the Higher Cycle of 3D Animation, Games and Interactive Environments in the CPIFP Los Enlaces. Laura will be part of the team that will represent Aragón in the next Spain Skills championships that will take place in Madrid next April. In this talk she tells us, among other things, how she is preparing for this challenge.

People at CIFPA/CRN: José Luis Calvo and Manuel Alvira coordinators of the Center of Excellence (02/21/2024)

José Luis Calvo and Manuel Alvira, CIFPA advisors, tell us in this Dissemination Forum about their responsibility at the head of the Center of Excellence for Vocational Training in the Transport and Logistics sector. One year after this recognition, many actions are already being developed in relation to innovation and training, which will generate an ecosystem of collaboration between the business network and vocational training.

Interview with Luis Berzosa, director of CPIFP School of Hotel Management and Tourism of Teruel (02/14/2024)

In this week's Disclosure Forum we are accompanied by Luis Berzosa, director of the CPIFP School of Hospitality and Tourism of Teruel. This entity celebrates 30 years of operation and its director tells us about the events organized to commemorate this anniversary and also the initiatives to promote the School and, above all, to open it to the city and province of Teruel and, in general, to all Aragon.

Interview with Berta Villamayor: coordinator of the Xcelence program at IES Luis Buñuel (07/02/2024)

Today in our Disclosure Forum we have Berta Villamayor, teacher at IES Luis Buñuel in Zaragoza. Our guest will talk about the Xcelence-Schools that inspire program. An initiative developed by the Department of Education of the Government of Aragon together with the foundations Bertelsmann, Empieza por Educar, Ibercaja and JP Morgan. The overall objective is to involve the educational community in the academic and professional guidance of students.

People at CIFPA/CRN: José Antonio Navarro, Quality and Continuous Improvement Manager (01/31/2024)

We are joined on this occasion by our colleague José Antonio Navarro, head of Quality and Continuous Improvement of CIFPA, to tell us what it has meant for the organization to obtain the Silver Seal of Business Excellence of Aragon and how this learning is deployed in the centers with FP of the community.

People at CIFPA/CRN: Carmen Sánchez and the DIGinLOGS project (01/24/2024)

This week, CIFPA advisor Carmen Sánchez talks to us about the European DIGinLOGS project and specifically about the multiplier event that will take place on February 1 to present the website and the teaching materials that have been developed within this initiative.

People at CIFPA/CRN: Benjamín Luengo new director of CIFPA (17/01/2024)

We are starting a new season in our Disclosure Forum. We are back with important changes. The first one, of framework because from now on the conversations with our guests will take place in CIFPA's iNTiVi Space. The second, the interviewer. Next to the advisor Trini Albesa will be the advisor Carlos Romero who replaces Benjamín Luengo who, as he tells us in this first interview of the season, starts a new stage as director of the Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA).