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Competency Assessment and accreditation

We Know the value of your experience

PEAC Calls

COMC301 - Road Passenger Traffic
Illustration CRN 04
COMC302 - Organization of Transportation and Distribution
Illustration CRN 03
COMC304 - Organization and Management of Warehouses
COMT303 - Senior technician in transport and logistics
Measures COVID19 - 09
DEF COM 006 - DEFENSE - Ancillary Warehouse Activities
Logistics Warehouse 03
DEF COM 007 - DEFENSE - Warehouse Organization and Management.

Complaint to the provisional report at the evaluation stage

If the person evaluated does not agree with the result indicated in the provisional report, he/she may file a complaint addressed to the chair of the evaluation committee, within FIVE BUSINESS DAYS following the publication of the provisional report of the evaluation phase.

Claims must be submitted through the general registry of the DGA or telematically through the electronic headquarters of the Government of Aragon, or at the secretary's office of the corresponding management center, in the first two ways, the documentation must be sent by e-mail to the management center before the end of the claim period indicated.

Form of complaint to the provisional report of the evaluation phase

Once the claims presented have been studied, the final report of the evaluation phase will be published within five working days.

An appeal may be lodged against the final report before the General Director of Innovation and Vocational Training, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 121 and 122 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, within one month from the notification of the resolution of the evaluation committee.

This appeal may be filed by accessing the Electronic Headquarters of the Public Administration of the Autonomous Community of Aragonthrough the digital service for filing appeals with the Administration.


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