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Innovative action: Experience of accompaniment for labour market insertion

Innovative action: Experience of accompaniment for labour market insertion

Experience of accompaniment for labour insertion in a certificate of professionalism.

As a result of a collaboration agreement between the Federico Ozanam Foundation and CIFPA, was carried out during the months of November and December 2020 the training of the Certificate of Professionalism Level 1 "Warehouse Auxiliary Activities" for unemployed people (activity information).

One of the innovative aspects of this training has been the accompaniment. The 15 participating students have had a tutor to support them in their search for employment, who has been in contact with the teachers and has supported the prospecting area, with a view to the job placement of the students.

The Federico Ozanam Foundation has contributed with the selection of candidates for the course (according to equality and parity criteria), the training in Transversal Competences, the students' tutors and the Puzle application, from where to carry out the follow-up management, the diagnosis, the objectives and the tutoring. On the other hand, CIFPA/CRN has provided its facilities, as well as the teachers of the certificate of professionalism.