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DGUIA 4.0 national innovation project starts

DGUIA 4.0 national innovation project starts

After some months of delay as a consequence of the special situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the innovation project Diagnosis Guiada 4.0 (DGUIA 4.0) starts with some training sessions in the Grup EINA facilities in Figueres (Girona).

The Diagnosis Guiada 4.0 (DGUIA 4.0) project is one of those selected in the Resolution of the State Secretariat for Education and Vocational Training of 16 September 2019, which granted aid to educational innovation projects in VET at state level. The aim of this project is to bring technical updating and diagnosis of vehicle breakdowns closer to a company with extensive experience in technical training for mechanics and vehicle repair professionals.

This initiative is made up of the following centres and entities:

  • CPIFP Bajo Aragón (Alcañiz). Coordination centre of the project.
  • CIFP Pico Frentes (Soria).
  • CIPFP Donapea (Pamplona).
  • Grup EINA Digital (Figueres). Training company and provider of technology for the project.
  • CIFPA. With the task of disseminating and publicizing the project.

Diagnostic Guidance 4.0 (DGUIA 4.0) focuses on updating automotive diagnostic tools. For this purpose, Grup EINA Digital has prepared three vehicles with adapted wiring and "fault box" to be able to carry out practices with VET students on diagnosis and fault finding without the need to cause real breakdowns to the vehicles. The "breakdown box" is responsible for communicating fictitious breakdowns to the car's control panel that the students have to locate through the multiple sensor connectors that the vehicle has.

On September 7th, 8th and 9th, the training of the teachers participating in the project will take place in the Grup EINA Digital facilities. On September 21st and 22nd the training will be moved to the CIFPA facilities.