05 OCT Call for Erasmus+ mobilities for the academic year 2023-2024
Mobility for undergraduate students
The Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon announces a total of 43 mobilities for students of Vocational Training for training in European companies for a duration of 45 days in the period from April to June 2024, within the Erasmus+ Program. These mobilities will be open to Vocational Training students who are studying at the intermediate level in Schools that are partners in the "ARAFP in Europe" consortiumThe list can be consulted on this website. Deadline for applications is November 6.
Mobility for higher education students
The Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon announces a total of 20 mobilities for students of Higher Vocational Training for training in European companies for a duration of 2 to 3 months in the period from March to June 2024, within the Erasmus+ Program. These mobilities will be open to Vocational Training students who are studying at Higher Level in Schools that are partners in the "Aragon in Europe" consortiumThe list can be consulted on this website. Deadline for applications is November 6.
Mobilities for teachers
The Centro de Innovación para la FP de Aragón, as a center managing international mobility projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ program for both students and teachers, calls for mobilities of vocational training teachers for training in European companies. This training consists of a one-week training stay to be developed in a European company during the academic year 2023/24. Deadline for applications is November 5.