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Databases with Access. Digitisation A.0

The aim of this activity is for the participating teachers to acquire in a practical way the necessary knowledge to handle this database management tool from Microsoft's Office package with ease.
The training company is SYSTEM FORMACIÓN.

Transversal training: Digitization

Teacher profile: Teachers of the ADG professional family.

Course Dates

From 5 to 9 September 2022

Course Schedules
Duration and schedule

30 hours total

9.00 – 14.00 H



Other related activities
ADG - Administration and Management, COM - Commerce and Marketing, Teaching Digital Competence, Axis - Improvement of Professional Competence, Axis - Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, FOL - Vocational Training and Guidance, HOT - Hospitality and Tourism, Vocational Guidance and Employment, Further Education and Professional Development