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Learn how to create digital content with GENIALLY (2nd Edition). Afternoon shift (Online classroom)

This is an eminently practical training in which you will learn from scratch how to use this online design tool. With Genially you will be able to create interactive and animated content in a simple way: presentations, infographics, gamification and more.
Taught by Luis Loscertales of Laboratorio Educativo.

Axis and line of training: Digital Transformation - Digital Teaching Competence

Occupational group: All

Course Dates

October 24, 26 and 31

and November 2, 2023

Course Schedules

15 h. online

16:30 - 19:00 h




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Axis - Improvement of professional competence, Axis - Digital transformation, Professional improvement, TCP - Textile, Apparel and Leather, Digital transformation of productive sectors