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Flipped Classroom in Vocational Training

The course is aimed at getting to know the Flipped Classroom model and throughout the 60 hours of the course the necessary tools will be given to put this methodology into practice. The activity is aimed at teachers who teach in vocational training cycles, giving priority to those who participate in the call for regional innovation projects 19-20 (Line B: methodological innovation).

Transversal Training: Methodological innovation

NOTE: It is compulsory to attend the initial face-to-face session, as well as to carry out the obligatory tasks and the final project that are proposed in the moodle platform.

Location CIFPA
Course Dates

 From 7 November 2019

as of 10 January 2020

Course Schedules
Duration and schedule

2 face-to-face hours (17.00 - 19.00 h)

+ 58 off-site hours



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