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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence applied to Commerce and Marketing (Online)

Training aimed at providing teachers in the professional family of commerce and marketing with an updated vision of the state of artificial intelligence in general and, more specifically, how it is applied in initiatives and processes in the sector, as well as presenting innovative proposals that will materialize in the coming years.

Transversal training: Digitization

COM Professional Family

Course Dates

 16, 18, 23 and 25 February 2021

Course Schedules
Duration and schedule

10 hours by videoconference

16.30 – 19.00 H



Other related activities
ADG - Administration and Management, COM - Commerce and Marketing, Teaching Digital Competence, Axis - Improvement of Professional Competence, Axis - Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, FOL - Vocational Training and Guidance, HOT - Hospitality and Tourism, Vocational Guidance and Employment, Further Education and Professional Development