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Learn at your own pace about ODS and Social Responsibility (Online)

The aim of the activity is to understand and manage the new scenario of organisations and companies from the perspective of Social Responsibility in the professional field related to our VET, as well as to know the 17 Sustainable Development Objectives of Agenda 2030 and their practical application in the educational and professional field of our VET specialities.

Transversal Training: Methodological innovation

Course Dates

 From 16/11/2020 to 16/12/2020

Course Schedules
Duration and schedule

10 hours online (virtual classroom)



Other related activities
ADG - Administration and Management, COM - Commerce and Marketing, Teaching Digital Competence, Axis - Improvement of Professional Competence, Axis - Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, FOL - Vocational Training and Guidance, HOT - Hospitality and Tourism, Vocational Guidance and Employment, Further Education and Professional Development