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Dual VET Prospectors Training 2022 (Online)

This course is aimed at providing teachers with tools for the approach and relationship with companies that allow the creation of quality training projects and favour the promotion of the dual modality in Aragon, as well as to train participants for the functions related to the prospecting of companies in their centre.
The training is aimed primarily at Vocational Training teachers in the Autonomous Community of Aragon who will take on the role of prospecting companies to promote Dual Vocational Training projects in their sector and territorial area.

Cross-training: Dual FP

Course Dates

 16 and 17 March 2021

Course Schedules
Duration and Schedules

6 h. online (participative webinar)

X from 16.00 - 20.00 h and Thu from 16.00 to 18.00 h



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