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Tutor with Moodle (Zaragoza/Mañana)

Semipresential Course oriented to the teaching staff who will teach for the first time teaching in professional modules of Training Cycles in the modality of distance FP. The object of the same is to acquire the necessary knowledge to take maximum advantage of the tools that the Moodle platform provides to us to be able to create and manage its own virtual classroom.

NOTE: It Will Be necessary a document, issued by the center, justifying that the teacher enrolled in the course teaches in the modality of distance FP. This document will be sent to info@cifpa.aragon.es

Transversal Training: Methodological innovation

Location CIFPA
Course Dates

On-site sessions: October 3 and 23, 2018

Online Sessions: From September 29th to October 30th, 2018

Course Schedules
Duration and schedule

8 Hours of Presence + 12 non-presence

10.00 – 14.00 H



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