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Aragonese teachers for women's emancipation

Aragonese teachers for women's emancipation

We continue in our Espacio Desconecta with the second block of the exhibition: Legacies of Aragonese women of the 19th and 20th centuries of the Women and Equality Service of Zaragoza City Council. On this occasion, it is dedicated to female teachers, educators, pedagogues, teachers and scientific professors. The aim of this global exhibition project is to raise awareness of the role of Aragonese women who have stood out in different fields.

The writer Magdalena Lasala was responsible for selecting the protagonists of this educational exhibition and for writing the texts that accompany the images and the catalogue. This section stresses the importance of training as a key to female emancipation, especially as the role of women teachers as professional educators grew.

The exhibition, created at the initiative of the Women and Equality Service of Zaragoza City Council and now on loan to the Innovation Centre for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA), recalls that many of the first women teachers were great educators, they innovated the forms of education and wrote school manuals and pedagogical works.

Many of the women teachers identified culture with progress and education with independence. The work of these early women teachers was to defend the schooling of women in order to promote, among other things, their emancipation and contribute to making the world a better place for everyone.

This project is made up of four blocks in which the work and biographies of female figures linked to Aragon are collected and grouped under the headings of their main activity:

  • Women writers and intellectuals, architects of the word.
  • Teacher educators, pedagogues, teachers and science teachers.
  • Women in medicine and health sciences.
  • Women in music.