17 Jan "Ellas son campo", women who live and work in the Aragonese countryside.
In our Espacio Desconecta you can enjoy, while having a coffee, a new exhibition. This time it is the traveling exhibition "Ellas son campo" (They are the countryside ) that shows the socio-demographic characteristics of women living in the rural areas of Aragon. The exhibition is part of the Study of the situation of the Aragonese rural world from a gender perspective.prepared by the Department of Geography and Territorial Planning, the Territorial Planning Study Group (GEOT) and the Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences IUCA, of the University of Zaragoza. With funding from the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon.
Visiting this exhibition is an opportunity, through photographs, panels and audiovisuals, to reflect on the reality of daily life in the rural world, on the problems and on the perspectives that women have with respect to it. The lights and shadows of an environment and a way of life in which they develop their full potential are presented.
The photographs are by the artist Noemí Rodrigo and commissioned by Mercedes Bueno. It is composed of three videos and fifteen printed panels: nine dedicated to three rural women -Angelines, Judit and Natalia-; a panel that contextualizes the exhibition within the collaboration of the University of Zaragoza with the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon; a descriptive panel of the study conducted by the University of Zaragoza and four didactic panels on gender inequality -sexist communication, the invisibility of female labor, where female labor begins and men and women can change the world-.
This exhibition made its first stop in Cariñena (Zaragoza) in March 2021, and since then it has moved around several counties, city councils and women's associations in the Aragonese territory.
As a result of this initiative, other materials emerged, such as the photobook "They are the countryside".. It is a digital photobook that shows, like the exhibition, the different realities of a group of women living in rural areas. It has been elaborated by Noemí Rodrigo Sabio and the researchers of the Grupo de Estudios de Ordenación del Territorio (GEOT), Alberto Serrano Andrés and Mª Luz Hernández Navarro.