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Training course for advisors and evaluators of the PEAC

Training course for advisors and evaluators of the PEAC

Edition: November 2018

The Agency of the Professional Qualifications of Aragon has among its objectives the function of establishing, in collaboration with the educational and labour authorities, a system of recognition and accreditation of the competencies acquired throughout the life and other non-formal training routes, in line with the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The Royal Decree 1224/2009, of 17 July, establishes the recognition of the professional competencies acquired by the work experience, for which the PEAC (Procedure of Evaluation and Accreditation of Competencies) was created. This procedure requires advisers and evaluators who must conduct training in the procedure itself.

This call for training is aimed at professional experts and active teachers of the professional families and the qualifications indicated in the information attached to the call.