We are at a time of change at the professional and employment level and, therefore, in the field of training. Lifelong learning is already a reality and a necessity. Therefore, from the CIFPA /CRN Dissemination Forum of Commercial Logistics and Transport Management we want to show you the activity that we develop. We will introduce you to people who have a lot of interesting things to tell you. Because, together, we design and develop proposals that contribute to create the professional training of the future.
With the end of the academic year, we come to our last Dissemination Forum of this period. For this closing we counted on the presence of the Regional Minister of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Aragon, Felipe Faci. We talked about the course that is coming to an end and what is to come from September onwards.
In this week's Dissemination Forum, Sagrario Bernad, teacher of Image and Sound and COFO at CPIFP Los Enlaces explains the functions of the Training Coordinator in the Vocational Training centres of Aragón.
Today in our Disclosure Forum we are joined by Rafael Pérez, Head of Studies of Vocational Training at IES Miralbueno in Zaragoza, who teaches on the Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Maintenance Specialisation Course. A highly demanded training from the automotive sector that requires highly updated and prepared technicians.
Gonzalo Barredo, coordinator of the national TIMBERWOODCHANCE project led by the Montearagón Integrated Vocational Training Centre in Huesca, joins us in our Dissemination Forum. Also involved in the project are the CPIFP Pirámide, also from Huesca, and a centre from the Basque Country together with two companies, one of them from Aragon, IMASCONO.
César Utrillas, coordinator of the national project REVILAM21: RECYCLAJE DE VIDRIO LAMINADO led by IES Segundo de Chomón in Teruel, joins us in this Forum to explain this project. Along with IES Segundo de Chomón, the project involves a school in Valencia and the Aragonese company MECANIZADOS MARTÍN.
We talked to Leire Vadillo, coordinator of the national AGRICULTURE 4.0 project led by the Movera Integrated Vocational Training Centre in Zaragoza, and she explains the objectives of this initiative in which schools in Navarre and Catalonia and two companies, one of them from Aragon, Agrarium Cinca Medio, are taking part.
We talk to Fran del Barrio, coordinator of the national project MEET 4.0. Improving energy efficiency through collaborative work, led by the Pedro Cerrada Institute in Utebo, tells us about the objectives of this initiative.
In our Dissemination Forum we are joined by Borja Lorén, former student of the CPIFP Bajo Aragón de Alcañiz to talk about the application "Action for the SDGs - Take action!" whose germ was in his End of Cycle project and which has already been awarded by the Red Cross and in the VI Antonio Diestre Autonomous Competition, which recognises the best projects at the end of Higher Level Training Cycle.
Miguel Aparicio, technical advisor at the Directorate General for Innovation and Vocational Training, explains in this interview the regional call for innovation projects and all the initiatives related to innovation in VET.
In our Dissemination Forum Elena Romeo, coordinator of the national SMART FARMING project, which is led by the Movera Integrated Vocational Training Centre in Zaragoza, explains what this initiative consists of, in which an educational centre in Murcia, an Aragonese company, EXAFAN and the Agri-Food Research and Technology Centre of Aragon (CITA) also participate.
The Director General for Innovation and Vocational Training of the Government of Aragon, Toni Martinez, assesses the first two quarters of the academic year and talks to us in this Dissemination Forum about where VET is heading in the Aragonese region.
In our Dissemination Forum, the director of the CPIFP Movera, Marta Rivas, gives us a preview of the topics to be discussed at the National Congress of the European Association Spain, which brings together training centres related to agriculture and food and which will be held on 5 and 6 April in the Aragonese Community.
In this interview, Isabel Lázaro, welding teacher at IES Miralbueno in Zaragoza, explains her role as tutor of a student participating in Spainskills 2022. Championship that is taking place these days at the fairgrounds (IFEMA) in Madrid. Students or recent graduates in Vocational Training of the educational system compete.
We talk to Conchita Morata, expert in sustainability and management of social responsibility and development. She talks to us about how to work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in vocational training classrooms. Until 2030, for the future of our planet, a series of challenges must be met that involve all actors in society and therefore also vocational training students and teachers.
In our Dissemination Forum, we talked to Beatriz Gutiérrez, coordinator in Aragon of the Adecco Foundation. This entity, with 25 years of history, supports the labour inclusion of vulnerable people. Its aim is to put the person at the centre in order to work, accompany and support in an individualised way.
In our forum: Carlos Sernis, technical advisor to the Directorate General for Innovation and Vocational Training of the Government of Aragon, talks about the A.0 Cycles in which the methodological transformation of the teaching-learning process is based on active methodologies such as Collaborative Learning based on Challenges (ACbR).
Patricia Tisner, Head of Training and Employment at the Sesé Foundation. She talks to us about insertion as well as training and employability, with a generic objective: to improve people's lives. This Foundation depends on the Sesé Group, dedicated to logistics and transport with more than 10,000 employees in various work centres around the world.
Emilio Larrodé, Professor of Transport Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, talks to us about the higher stage in which future experts in logistics and transport can be trained. We share with him a conversation of interest for both the University and the CRN as we share the same objective: to contribute to innovation and training in logistics and transport.
On this occasion we are joined in our Disclosure Forum by Susana Val, director of Zaragoza Logistic Center (ZLC), a training and research centre in logistics and supply chain management. One of its aspects is the training of professionals to occupy middle and senior management positions. The ZLC has links with international centres such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Over the years, the centre has been adapting to the needs of companies in terms of training and specialisation of their human resources.
In this interview we are with Isabel Velasco, commercial director of Aragón Plataforma Logística, a company led by the regional government and which, among other functions, is the logistics development of Aragón through the management of three platforms: Plaza in Zaragoza, Platea in Teruel and Plus in Huesca and an industrial zone in Calamocha. In general, it is a large umbrella that includes all the public initiatives that in different ways work on the logistics development of the autonomous region.
In our dissemination forum Carlos Sernis, technical advisor to the Directorate General for Innovation and Vocational Training of the Government of Aragon, tells us about the Applied Technology Classrooms, known as ATECA, an initiative of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training promoted with Next Generation Funds from the EU. These are spaces with furniture and technological resources that support methodological and digital transformation.
In this interview with Isabel Baranda, advisor at the Centro de Innovación para la Formación Profesional de Aragón (CIFPA), we talk about the Consorcios de Movilidades, whose objective is to support public vocational training centres in Aragon in the mobility and internationalisation of their students and teaching staff.
We talked to Raúl Melero, advisor to the Innovation Centre for Vocational Training in Aragon (CIFPA), about teacher training. VET requires teachers who are constantly updating their knowledge and at CIFPA this training is approached both from the point of view of updating the specific knowledge of the professional family as well as improving transversal and methodological skills.
We talked in our Dissemination Forum with Alejandra Morón, Integration consultant at the Adecco Foundation and teacher of the Soft Skills module that as an innovative experience is included from CIFPA/CRN in the certificate of professionalism of Auxiliary Warehouse Activities. Innovative experience. It is a 32-hour module, independent from the contents of the certificate, and in which work is done in three blocks, with the ultimate aim of helping employability: Self-knowledge, Personal development and Life purpose.
Ángel Gil, manager of ALIA, Innovative Logistics Association of Aragon, talks to us in our Dissemination Forum about the changes that are taking place unstoppably in the field of logistics and supply chains, especially in the field of technology.
On this occasion, Carmen Sánchez, advisor to the Innovation Centre for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA), explains the actions carried out by this entity in relation to entrepreneurship. Teacher training, support for centres and the promotion of business incubators are some of the most important lines of action.
In this interview, Carlos Romero, advisor at CIFPA/CRN, talks to us about certificates of professionalism. And he tells us about some of the certificates that are taught in this centre with the aim of contributing to employability.
Interview with Ramón Tejedor, managing director of the public company Aragón Exterior, in which he talks about the internationalisation strategy of the Aragonese Economy articulated in two lines of action: Helping companies to promote their activity abroad / Attracting investments and projects from foreign companies. He also tells us that in the scenario of uncertainty that some Aragonese companies are going through, especially in the automotive sector, a "significantly clear and forceful growth vector" can be observed.
Speakers at the round table:
- Jesús Soler Ascaso. Head of operations of Grupo Ágora and member of the CEL and ALIA board of directors.
- Diego Martínez Júlvez. Director of sales, strategy and business development of the Pronet Group.
- David Vallejo Matía. CRN Advisor on Commercial Logistics and Transport Management.
Raúl Melero, advisor of the Innovation Centre for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA), explains in this interview what is the Evaluation and Accreditation of Competences Procedure (PEAC) and the role of CIFPA in this procedure.
Anna Kopeykina, advisor at CIFPA / CRN Commercial Logistics and Transport Management, talks about the importance of promoting and participating in European projects in a world that is so globalised and subject to so many changes in terms of employment and training.
Speakers at the round table:
- Jesús Soler Ascaso. Head of operations of Grupo Ágora and member of the CEL and ALIA board of directors.
- Héctor Benito Serón. Consulting Director of the Carreras Group.
- Diego Martínez Júlvez. Director of sales, strategy and business development of the Pronet Group.
In this meeting, David Vallejo, advisor to the National Reference Centre for Commercial Logistics and Transport Management, tells us about the lines of work of this centre and what its location in the Zaragoza Logistics Platform (PLAZA) means.
Carmen Sánchez, advisor at CIFPA / CRN Logística Comercial y Gestión del Transporte, talks to us about FP employs and the success it is achieving in connecting companies, VET centres and students.
Interview with Antonio Carrión Sacacia, Director of the Centro de Innovación para la Formación Profesional de Aragón / CRN Logística Comercial y Gestión del Transporte.
Speakers at the round table:
- Angel Gil Gallego. Manager of the Logistics Cluster of Aragon (ALIA) and vice-president of the Spanish Logistics Centre.
- Diego Martínez Júlvez. Manager at Grupo Pronet.