13 Mar FProfesionales days for health 2019 in IES Río Gállego
During the week of April 1 to 5 will be held the 4th edition of the Conference FProfesionales for Health organized by the IES Río Gállego in collaboration with the CIFPA. As in previous years, through this event we want to establish a meeting point between the companies of the health and biotechnology sector of Aragon and the centers that teach FP teaching related to health and biotechnology. It is Also intended to make known to the students and teachers of these teachings the needs of companies in the field of qualification of human resources, as well as to present to the companies the formations existing in our Community, in the field of the FP, that They can respond to your needs. It should Not be forgotten that these days contribute to the increase in the knowledge of biosanitary technologies and their possibilities for the future in the educational field.
Interested parties can enroll in one or more of the sessions that are offered in the program listed below. The VET faculty will enroll through the DOCEO platform (in the links listed in each session). The students of the training cycles related to the health and biotechnology, as well as those professionals of the sector interested in attending, will be able to register through a form whose link appears below.
Environmental Health
April 1
Session Schedule:
16.00 h "Recycling of glass and Applications". Ana Luengo Aguilar. Sales Engineer. FCC
16.30 h "Analytical Control of food allergens in the Industry". Patricia Galán, Responsible for the allergen detection line at ZEULAB.
17.30 h. DEmostración of the test duo-Milk Zeulab. Patricia Galán.
18.15 H Rest
18.45 H Pest Control. Demonstration of equipment and its use. Ibán Nerds Nicolás and Iván Gracia Sebastián. Zero Environment
19.30 H Fight against Legionnaires ' disease. Ibán Nerds Nicolás and Iván Gracia Sebastián. Zero Environment
21.00 H End of the day.
Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory
April 2
Session Schedule:
15.45 H "Imaging Tools in preclinical oncology. Optical Imaging "Eduardo Romans. Researcher of the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences
17.00 h «Proteins as therapeutic targets in infectious and tumoral disease» Olga Abián. Researcher at the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences
18.00 Rest
18.30 H "But how did I end up being a scientist?" Pilar Martín: Researcher at the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences
19.45 h Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevention measures. ' Asunción García: Researcher at the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences
21.00 H End of the day
Pharmacy and Parapharmacy
April 3
Session Schedule:
9.00 h "Conservation and storage of medicines and sanitary products and/or products of parapharmacy". Carmen Martínez Pulled. Novaltia
9.45 h "Dermocosmetics". Raquel Ramos. Biologist, ISDÍN Trainer
11.15 H. Rest
11.45 h. "Photoaging and Ageing". Raquel Ramos. Biologist, ISDÍN Trainer
13.15 H. "Communication and marketing in the pharmacy, sales techniques" Patricia Alfonso , Marketing Manager at the point of sale and category Management for the pharmacy offices. Novaltia.
14.15 H End of the day.
April 4
Session Schedule:
16.00 h "Digital Flow". Working with CAD Demonstration. Biocare
17.30 h Rest
17.45 h "premature dentition Loss". Yolanda Visús. Dental Prosthetics, specialist in Orthodontics.
18.45 H "Manufacture of a child prosthesis". Yolanda Visús. Dental Prosthetics, specialist in Orthodontics.
19.45 H. Rest
20.00 h "Oral Prevention". Gina Vallejo, Dentist.
21.00 H End of the day.
Health Emergencies
April 5
Session Schedule:
16.00 H. Simulation – Triage START Method of accidentals. Evacuation and measures of CPR and assistance to other complex tables. Alejandro Orna. Technician in Health Emergencies. Member of the Emergency Service of the Vall D'aran. Teachers and students of CF are collaborating in Health Emergencies, in-person and distance from the IES Río Gállego.
Exhibition, during the entire session, of emergency vehicles in charge of the Spanish Red Cross, Acciona, NTSA.
18.00 H. Rest.
18,30 h. Workshop with 7 stations: "Work Accident: Basic immobilization, and Mobilization for the Transfer" Mar Milla Pérez, Noelia Ortega Jiménez, Pablo Gil Orna, Aránzazu Vicente Martínez, Raquel Salvador Montejano, Javier Ania Melon, Luis Miguel Rodríguez Rivera. Zaragoza Accident Mutual.
21.00 H End of the day
Clinical Electromedicine
April 3 and 4
Object of the activity:
The purpose of the conference is to provide training for teachers with teaching in the Higher-Level Formative Cycle of Clinical electromedicine. Aspects such as: Knowing the state of the equipment of a centre and elaborating needs plan – Installation and formation of the new equipment in the centre – Acquisition of new electromedical equipment – Inventory and stock Control – Use of the tool of Service Management: GMAO
Project Partners:
IES Río Gallego – Arahealth – Arabiotech – IACS CPIFP Corona de Aragón
Collaborating Entities:
Ambient 0 – Zeulab – Laboratorios ISDIN – Novaltia Avinent MAZ FCC Yolanda Visús Vela – Gina Vallejo – Spanish Red Cross – Ateransa – NTSA – Power