06 Feb Official inauguration of the Learning factory
It inaugurates the Apprenticeship factory installed in the CIFPA through the signing of the agreement of collaboration between the government of Aragon, automotion cluster of Aragon (CAAR) and TÜV Rheinland Spain, together with the support of Ibercaja Foundation. The signing of the agreement is carried out between the councillor for education, culture and sport Ms. Mayte Pérez Esteban, the president of CAAR D. Benito Tesier Sierra, the global training director of TÜV Rheinland D. Nicolas Notis and the director of the National Training Area of TÜV Rheinland Spain D. Ricardo Duarte Serrano.
In the inauguration ceremony were present the students of the formative cycle of higher degree programming of the production in molding of metals and polymers of the center IES Virgin del Pilar.
With this collaboration agreement between the aforementioned entities establishes a way to improve employability of vocational training students, always according to the needs of companies, in a sector that requires people highly trained in production processes Flexible and changeable as demanded by industry 4.0.