20 Jun IV Congress on Educational Innovation. Registration open
Registrations for the IV International Congress on Educational Innovation will be open from Monday, June 20 at 5:00 pm. The organization indicates that it is advisable, before registering, to read the information that appears in the following link:
Registration for the IV Innovation Congress
On the other hand, communications for this educational event can be presented until June 26th. Twelve oral communications will be presented, with an approximate duration of 15 minutes each. These communications will have been selected by the Evaluation Committee using the double-blind system. They will be presented in the Congress in face-to-face format and must show classroom practices or research related to the school environment that are related to:
- Positive coexistence and inclusive school
- Educational innovation
- Educational and environmental transformation
- Structural changes in educational centers
- Educational digitization
- Education based on scientific evidence
- Development of critical and democratic awareness
- Strategies for the development of VET
More information about the IV International Congress on Educational Innovation on the web: