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CEX: Lean Logistic Factory kit, a resource for transport and logistics cycles

CEX: Lean Logistic Factory kit, a resource for transport and logistics cycles

The Center of Excellence in Transport and Logistics within the Lean innovation project has launched an action designed and prepared for teachers in this field to help them introduce the Lean methodology in the classroom.

It is a simulation with which first the teachers and then the students can learn in a playful way the application of the Lean methodology in the processes related to logistics.

The Center of Excellence provides teachers with the support and tools included in the Lean Logistic Factory kit, as well as the software and supporting documentation needed to implement it in the classroom.

In this first phase, the objective is to test these tools and resources in several centers in the Aragonese region. These materials focus on production and logistics and allow users to experience the challenges and reality of a production plant. Through this experience they become familiar with the methodology, the concept of continuous improvement and understand the use of the main Lean tools for logistics.