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Legacies of Aragonese women of the 19th and 20th centuries

Legacies of Aragonese women of the 19th and 20th centuries

At CIFPA/CRN we are back with a lot of strength and desire for culture. We are starting the new academic year with an exhibition that will undoubtedly be very attractive for those who visit our facilities, especially when it coincides with training activities or dissemination events. The Women and Equality Service of Zaragoza City Council has provided us with the exhibition: Legacies of Aragonese women of the 19th and 20th centuries . This is a project that aims to raise awareness of the role of Aragonese women who have excelled in different fields.

This project is made up of four blocks in which the work and biographies of female figures linked to Aragon are collected and grouped under the headings of their main activity:

  • Women writers and intellectuals, architects of the word.
  • Teacher educators, pedagogues, teachers and science teachers.
  • Women in medicine and health sciences.
  • Women in music.

In the Espacio Desconecta of the CIFPA you can visit and enjoy the first block dedicated to women writers and intellectuals, whose work revolved around the word.

This didactic exhibition, whose texts are the work of the writer Magdalena Lasala, takes a look at female figures from the literary, journalistic and linguistic world who have become points of reference and who have opened the way for other women.