16 Apr #PenCasa. Moodle to support e-learning of the FP of Aragon
Materials for teachers in the distance learning of the Vocational Training of Aragon
The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has ceded the materials of its distance vocational training platform for exclusive use in Moodle platforms in public or private schools that are subsidised, with the sole purpose of supporting student study during this period of confinement established by Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March, which declared the state of alert for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19.
The Department of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Aragon has put into service a specific Moodle platform for the presentation of all the materials provided by the Ministry. This Moodle platform can only be accessed as a "guest" and the contents available for each of the modules of the training cycles can be consulted and visualised. Not all the training courses offered in Aragon are available, only those provided by the Ministry of Education and Professional Training, although there are few missing. The access to the platform can be found in the following link:
Teachers who wish to obtain the materials of those professional modules of their teaching field published in the platform, must request them through the form that is in the same platform or accessing it through the following link:
Materials request form
IMPORTANT: Only requests from teachers who teach Vocational Training in public and private schools in the Autonomous Community of Aragon will be considered.
As the materials are given in SCORM format, they must be restored on the Moodle platform available to the requesting school or faculty.
Contact for doubts and questions about the platform: