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Aragonese woman in watercolour

Aragonese woman in watercolour

In CIFPA/CRN we believe that culture must always be present, even when we have a coffee, that is why in our Espacio Desconecta we have a new exhibition: Aragonese woman in watercolour. The Centro de Adultos de la Margen Izquierda de Zaragoza in collaboration with two inmates of the Zuera Penitentiary Centre have prepared this exhibition in which the biography and the image in watercolour of twelve women who have stood out or stand out in different facets are collected.

The texts, written in the first person, present the life and work and intellectual activity of each of these women linked to Aragon. Twelve female figures from all periods have been selected, emphasising their role in disciplines such as politics, music, sport, science, cinema, teaching, literature, journalism...

This exhibition arose from the initiative to create a calendar for the current year. An Aragonese woman in watercolour for each month of the year. A remarkable initiative that has united painting, by two inmates of the Zuera penitentiary centre, with research and writing, carried out by the students of the Left Bank Adult Education Centre.

The work of the Observatory for Equality of the CPEPA Margen Izquierda in the whole process and the coordinated work between the classrooms of the centre, the Aula Habilitada of the Zuera Penitentiary Centre and the inmates who have done the paintings.