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Career guidance resources for people with disabilities

Career guidance resources for people with disabilities

CIFPA's iNTiVi Space has been broadcast live, via YouTube channelThe online conference, Career Guidance Resources for People with Disabilities , is aimed at education and employment counsellors.

The conference was opened by the Director General of Innovation and Vocational Training of the Department of Education, Culture and Sport, Mr Antonio Martínez Ramo, and presented by Roberto Santolaria Malo, Head of the Vocational Training Service, and Isabel Tolosona Sánchez, Head of the Equity and Inclusion Service.

The programme of the issue followed the following order:

  • "Academic and professional orientation of students with disabilities in the ESO". Sonia Foz Blesa, counsellor of the Specialized Team in Physical Disability.
  • "Vocational training admission for people with disabilities. Initial qualification programmes in classroom/workshop mode". Alejandro Lozano, education inspector at the Directorate of Education Inspection.
  • "Experience of professional training of people with disabilities in the CPIFP San Lorenzo de Huesca". Teresa Castaño, director of the center, and Charo Tobeña, counselor of the center.
  • "Space Employment Centers and Work Enclaves." Teresa Sánchez, Head of the Employment Promotion Section of INAEM.

The presentations and materials of the conference are available on the web CHOOSE YOUR PROFESSION in: