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CRN Commercial Logistics and Transport Management Training Plan 2022

CRN Commercial Logistics and Transport Management Training Plan 2022

The Work Plan of the National Reference Centre for Commercial Logistics and Transport Management has already been approved, which means that all the planned actions will start progressively from now on.

In the coming weeks, the registration period for courses designed for trainers from educational centres providing training in logistics and transport will open. Information will also be provided and activities foreseen for workers in the sector will be opened.

This work plan includes several technical conferences and other initiatives related to innovation, training and support for the logistics and transport sector at national level.

As a novelty, this year the Aragonese Community will set up working groups focused on entrepreneurship, digitalisation and methodological innovation in which representatives from other national reference centres will participate.

These are the training actions included in the Work Plan 2022 and whose registration deadline will be communicated soon: