30 Jul Digital Campus A.0. Resolution of FP experimental projects
Posted at 15:27h
in News
Published the RESOLUTION of 13 July 2020 by which the Director General of Innovation and Vocational Training resolves the call for the implementation of experimental projects of active methodologies in training cycles of Vocational Training within the framework of the Digital Campus A.0. The 30 projects presented, in modality A or B, have been admitted.
Within the modality B the centers: CPIFP Bajo Aragón, CPIFP Montearagón, CPIFP Movera, CPIFP Pirámide and IES Ítaca will be able to develop their proposals with an economic allocation of 2,500 euros per project and with the support of the Digital Campus A.0. The projects that have been selected in modality A will also have this support.
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