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InclusiVET Project: training activity in Chile for a more inclusive VET system

InclusiVET Project: training activity in Chile for a more inclusive VET system

The city of Santiago de Chile was the setting for the training activity that took place within the project. InclusiVET. The actions and activities carried out during one week correspond to package 2 of the project. They are related to the development of skills and competences of VET teachers and institutions in order to enhance the inclusion of students with disabilities.

The Chilean partners, Universidad Mayor and Hogar de Cristo, together with Unikalus Sokis from Lithuania, have been working on a didactic methodology to help teachers to adequately attend to people with disabilities and promote real inclusion. As indicated in this meeting, Vocational Training implies for this group, training and qualification as a way to find a job and a job is the key to ensure their social inclusion. The other partners: Action Synergy from Greece, Centar Slave Raskaj from Zagreb, CAPAZ Association and INAFRO, both from Peru and CIFPA, representing Spain, discussed and worked on the proposed methodology.

The week began at the headquarters of the Hogar de Cristo Foundation in Chile, which works throughout the country to help the most disadvantaged groups. People living on the streets, abused women, children, the elderly and the disabled are cared for by this foundation, which provides them with training and shelter.

The first workshop analyzed the need to create inclusive environments that facilitate the development of any person with a disability. "The problem," it was pointed out at the meeting, "can never be the person with a disability but his or her environment which, in most cases and countries, has a deficit of tools and resources to guarantee inclusion.

The partners of this project: Universidad Mayor and CIFPA led two workshops dedicated to didactic methodologies. Universidad Mayor focused on the DUA Methodology (Universal Design for Learning) and CIFPA on Collaborative Learning based on Challenges (ACbR). Also, the Catholic University of Chile showed the work being done by the CEDETIThe Center for the Development of Inclusive Technologies , which researches and makes teaching resources available to organizations and families.

In the city of Santiago de Chile, different visits were made, such as to the Paralympic Sports Training Center, where those responsible for the National Paralympic Committee explained the work they do and showed the facilities where the athletes are trained, and the medical rehabilitation center where they work with expressive therapies such as music therapy and art therapy.

Throughout the week, initiatives that work on inclusion from the cultural point of view were shown, such as the Eleva Orchestraone of its objectives is to "raise and enhance the inclusion of people with disabilities through the development of musical, artistic and cultural expression" and the "development of the blind". Voice of Inclusion Choir.

Once this training activity is completed, each partner, in their respective countries, will deploy training activities for vocational training teachers. In addition, the first actions of the third work package will be initiated, which includes the development of a course focused on the organization, management and promotion of cultural and artistic events involving people with disabilities.

The project InclusiVET is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union (EACEA) and seeks to promote, through vocational training, the inclusion of all people with disabilities. The aim is to create a network of educational entities linked, in some way, to vocational training and to provide them with resources and teaching tools.

The members of the project are: