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DGUIA 4.0 is now available for the TMV professional family.

DGUIA 4.0 is now available for the TMV professional family.

The Aragonese public vocational training centres with cycles in the Transport and Vehicle Maintenance family already have at their disposal a vehicle equipped with an innovative breakdown simulator for their practical classes. This vehicle is prepared in documentary and technical terms to be able to intervene in it and work on the basis of supposed breakdowns with a view to their diagnosis and resolution.

This equipment, similar to that used in the continuous training of workshop technicians, reaches the schools thanks to the Guided Diagnosis 4.0 project, within the call of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training for projects of applied innovation and knowledge transfer in Vocational Training in the education system.

The CPIFP Bajo Aragón has been the coordinating centre of this project in which the CPIFP Pico Frentes de Soria, the Centro Integrado Politécnico de FP Donapea de Pamplona, the company from Gerona, Grup Eina Digital, and the Centro para la Innovación de la Formación Profesional de Aragón (CIFPA) have also participated.

This Tuesday, 9th March, the official closing of this project took place and the presentation of the 3 vehicles (a different model for each participating centre) and all the resources and materials that have been created during these months. The event took place at the Innovation Centre for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA) and brought together all the participants in the project and the representatives of the educational centres with cycles of the Transport and Vehicle Maintenance family, which from now on will be able to benefit from what has been obtained, and entities related to the motor world.

On this day, the project coordinator, Diego López Pascual, Deputy Head of Studies at the CPIFP Bajo Aragón and representatives of the other centres involved explained the origin of the project, its development and the results obtained and their repercussions. The objective now is that both the vehicles and all the teaching materials generated can be requested by the teaching staff. For this purpose, a specific web page has been created, managed by CIFPA, for the project. https://dguia40.es where the resources and forms for requesting training and materials will be housed. In any case, the training action linked to the project will have an eminently practical character, since it means transferring, as far as possible, a successful training model from the business environment to the teaching environment, and bringing the technological reality of the vehicles to the classroom, a task that until now has been very difficult to achieve due to the economic cost of this type of training action.

This project comes to an end with the main objective achieved. Guided Diagnosis 4.0 has managed to bring, in the first instance, to the participating VET centres and, from now on, to all the centres with cycles in the Transport and Vehicle Maintenance family, actions aimed at the technical updating of contents and diagnosis of vehicle breakdowns, and adaptation of practices and contents to the didactic programmes of some of their cycles. The electromechanical professionals of the Grup Eina Digital de Figueras (Girona), a company also included in the national project and which has extensive experience in the technical training of mechanics and vehicle repair professionals, both nationally and in Europe, have been in charge of this update.