20 Jan Cultivating the past to secure the future.
VET projects based on sustainability
In Aragon, there are many vocational training centres that have always, but especially with the horizon of the 2030 Agenda, been working on initiatives that seek sustainability. They take their economic, working, social and historical environment into account and have set goals that will contribute to improving it.
Sometimes we think that innovation has to go hand in hand with new technologies, new processes, surprising discoveries, but it doesn't always have to be like that. Sometimes, innovation means taking a look at the past, rediscovering it and betting on a recovery or adaptation. And this is the case of the innovation projects in which schools such as the CPIFP Movera are working with the boliches del Pilar; the CPIFP Montearagón and the IES Virgen de la Sierra de Illueca, with beekeeping; the CPIFP San Lorenzo with the sausages of Alto Aragón and with the bakery and confectionery heritage of their area; the IES Biello Aragón dedicated to the recovery of traditional recipes; the CPIFP Escuela de Hostelería y Turismo de Teruel with truffles or the CPIFP San Blas with the recovery of the mountain hen of Teruel.
All these initiatives are possible thanks to an innovative teaching staff involved with the environment and, above all, with the students. But also, thanks to the establishment of alliances with other organisations, such as the Centre for Agri-Food Research and Transfer of Aragon(CITA), companies such as ADS Apícola de Huesca and professionals such as Ángel Bergua, Ascaso de Ayerbe Bakery, Association of Black Truffle Collectors and Producers of the Province of Teruel(ATRUTER) and restaurants or associations involved in these initiatives.

Goal 2 Target Zero Hunger
These projects are closely linked to one of the targets of Goal 2 Zero Hunger of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). This target -2.5 Genetic diversity - states: "By 2020, maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and associated wild species, including through the sound management and diversification of seed and plant banks at national, regional and international levels, and promote access to benefits arising from the use of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge and their fair and equitable sharing, as internationally agreed".
This is a goal closely related to all these educational projects, which demonstrates the commitment of the educational community to the future of our planet. Undoubtedly, we are in a period in which all citizens, from any field, have a lot to say and do and, of course, Vocational Training is also on this path of work, commitment and responsibility.