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Lean and Logistics (CRN)

Course framed within the technical improvement plan for trainers 2020, included in the work plan of the CRN for Commercial Logistics and Transport Management, with the objective of putting the Lean Manufacturing Production System into context, knowing and understanding the different tools in Lean logistics, learning the methodology for designing supply systems in a Lean environment and applying what has been learned in practical cases simulated by means of simulation games.

TARGETS: The course is intended primarily for employed workers: teachers, vocational training experts for employment and vocational training teachers.

NOTE: Priority will be given to training related to the Commercial Logistics and Transport Management sector.

Registration period: From 20/10/20 to 31/10/20

Course Dates

 From 04/11/20 to 25/11/20

Course Schedules
Duration and schedule

30 hours (virtual classroom)

L-X-J: 16:00-19:00



Other related activities
'; Zoom
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