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XII Training course for tutors of FP Dual (Online)

Training aimed at teachers who participate as school tutors in Dual Vocational Training projects in current projects or who wish to participate as tutors in the projects to be carried out in the next 2021/2022 academic year.

IMPORTANT: For the delivery of assignments and access to the corresponding documentation, a course will be created within the Google classroom platform. In addition, the training will be given online through the Google Meet in webinar mode so the connection in the established schedule is mandatory and it is necessary to have a gmail account or create one of your own. Those admitted to the course will receive the classroom invitation code and the link to connect to the video conference.

Transversal training: Dual P.F.

Location CIFPA


Course Dates

 Days 30/09/20 and 01/10/20

Course Schedules
Duration and Schedules

15 hours in total:

 - 12 hours online (webinar)

8.30 – 14.30 h

- 3 hours of individual work



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