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Itinerary of Digitalization in Logistics. Global Analytics Module. Factory and Logistics KIPs (Testing Edition).

The objective of the module is to raise awareness of the importance of information management and the use of reference technologies for the success of organizations.

DIGinLOGS is a project led by CIFPA with partners such as the Association for the Development of Vocational Training in Transport and Logistics (AFT - France), Action Synergy (Greece) and INYCOM (Spain). The courses of the pathway consist of video training pills (English) and reference and work material (English and Spanish).

The logistics digitization pathway has 4 modules that will be available on the project website in the future.

        1. Company management
        2. Physical Internet
        3. Supply Chain Digitalization
        4. Global Analytics. Manufacturing and Logistic KPIs.

TARGET: VET teachers and trainers of the professional family of commerce and marketing (COM). Workers of companies in the logistics and transport sector.

Course Dates

From 10/20/2023

as of 11/30/2023

Course Schedules

30 h.

Asynchronous online mode



Other related activities
Axis - Improvement of professional competence, ELE - Electricity and Electronics, Professional development