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Electromechanics: 1.2 Puretech 130 engine mechanics

The teachers of the TMV family will be able to learn about the Puretech engine and the large number of incidents it presents; the disassembly and maintenance operations as well as the usual mechanical breakdowns and the corresponding process to follow for the resolution of these malfunctions so that the future workshop personnel can face the maintenance and repairs of the Puretech with the most optimized effectiveness, reducing repair times.

Professional Family TMV

Location CIFPA
Course Dates

February 8, 2023

Course Schedules

8 Hours of Presence

9.00 – 18.00 h



Other related activities
Axis - Improvement of professional competence, ELE - Electricity and Electronics, Professional development
Axis - Improvement of Professional Competence, IMP - Personal Image, Professional Development