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Electromechanics: Renault Megane 1.3 TCe

In terms of diagnostics, Renault incorporates a Gateway module with computer protection of its data, leading to locks and limitations in some systems making access difficult, especially in regulations and codifications necessary for repair, a function called "token gateway". The objective is to understand the operation of the new diagnostic methods in systems with "locked gateways". The participant will obtain the necessary knowledge to operate in these systems and develop a successful diagnosis. Likewise, the same objectives will be focused on the injection and engine management system as well as on the calibration of the front and rear cameras.

Professional Family TMV

Location CIFPA
Course Dates

February 5, 2024

Course Schedules

8 Hours of Presence

9.00 - 13.30 h

15.00 - 18.30 h



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