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Infoxication... What are you talking about?

Infoxication... What are you talking about?

We continue in our blog with the section: What are you talking about? It is a small contribution to this blog dedicated to Culture and in which we want to collect all those terms or expressions, whether or not they are included in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), but which for one reason or another, now or in recent years are "sounding" in the media, in the street, in our environment.

Today we are going to talk about a disease that almost all of us are suffering from: infoxication. We all, at some point, feel saturated with information and, among other symptoms, suffer from an inability to select and analyse all the informative material we receive.

INFOXICATION: excess or overload of information, which prevents you from going deeper into the subjects you are dealing with. According to the Fundéu it is "an overload of information that is difficult to process".

This neologism, as indicated on the Fundéu website, was coined by the specialist in information and innovation, Alfons Cornella, to refer to information oversaturation, as an acronym for information intoxication.

It is a term increasingly used on the street and in the media: "Information overload causes infoxication syndrome, which is characterised by anxiety and distress", "Infoxication is the inability to efficiently analyse a high information flow".

But the problem of infoxication is not only these symptoms but also its effects. Because if we see how our ability to critically analyse the messages we receive is limited, we can all too easily "swallow" what is known as fake news or, to put it another way: false news and fakenews .