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Masterclass.TMV Project

Shared professional experience

Presentation of the project

The Masterclass.TMV project is promoted by the Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA) and aims to develop a pilot model to transfer to the classroom the experience and practice of professionals in the sector linked to the professional family (Transport and Maintenance of Vehicles on this occasion) from facilities and reference equipment, facilitating the participation of students through telematic resources (ATECA) of the centers.

The project is committed to professional audiovisual production in order to make a quality leap in synchronous online training. This way, professionals and specialists can contribute their know-how from their workplaces directly to the students in their own classrooms. In addition, the project seeks to minimize the cost impact for the participating VET centers by using the resources of the ATECA classrooms they already have. The project aims to establish a management model of professional audiovisual production applied to synchronous online training that will serve for future editions of the project in which the scope is extended to more professional families and VET centers.

Participating centers and collaborators

Professional family of Transport and Vehicle Maintenance

CPIFP Bajo Aragón (Teruel):

  • Basic Vocational Training in Vehicle Maintenance
  • Motor Vehicle Electromechanics Middle Grade
  • Automotive Superior Degree

IES Miralbueno (Zaragoza):

  • Basic Vocational Training in Vehicle Maintenance
  • Motor Vehicle Electromechanics Middle Grade
  • Intermediate Level of Bodywork

IES Sierra de Guara (Huesca):

  • Basic Vocational Training in Vehicle Maintenance
  • Motor Vehicle Electromechanics Middle Grade

Paddock 82 Development Center. Company specialized in testing and homologated modification of vehicles.

Lion Rig Studio. Multimedia production company

Results 2023-2024

On March 12, 2024 the first class of the Masterclass.TMV project was held with the 2nd year students of the professional family of Transport and Vehicle Maintenance of the participating vocational training centers. After 2 days of equipment assembly and broadcast rehearsals (with the collaboration of the teachers of the VET centers), in which technical aspects of the production and staging were polished, a training session was held in which the students attended by videoconference from their centers.

At the end of the practical session, students were able to test the knowledge acquired through a game-test (Kahoot) launched by the technician in charge of the company.

A satisfaction survey given to the students who attended gave a very satisfactory perception of the experience. For the next session, scheduled for May, we will take into account the observations made by the students in their responses.

First class with students (12/03/2024)

Second class with student body (08/05/2024)

On May 8, 2024, the second class of the Masterclass.TMV project was held with the students of the first year of the professional family of Transport and Vehicle Maintenance of the participating VET centers. With the learning and experience of the first session, only one morning was enough for the assembly of the equipment and the retransmission tests with the collaboration, once again, of the teachers of the vocational training centers. The proposals for improvement from the students' evaluations of the first session were taken into account.

The students of the first courses of the Training Cycles (more than 60 attendees in total) were able to witness remotely some practices and dynamic tests with vehicles in the facilities of the collaborating company Paddock 82. At the end of the practical session they were able to test the knowledge acquired through a game-test (Kahoot) launched by the technician responsible for the company.

As on the first occasion, a satisfaction survey was passed to the attending students. The result of this survey encourages us to continue with the second project (second phase) for the next course in which participating centers will be expanded, the intervention of students from the Image and Sound family in the realization, development of new contents and an increase in the number of sessions per course.

Classroom resources available in InnovaDocs

Since June 19, the results of the two masterclass sessions carried out in the project have been available in the form of training pills. This resource is accessible from our InnovaDocs and all you have to do is register in the corresponding form to access the site containing the video-pills to take to the TMV classroom.