15 OCT CIFPA as a reference in the University of Huelva's innovation master's program
The advisor of the Centre for Innovation in Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA), José Manuel Martínez, participates in the inaugural presentation of the Master in Pedagogical Innovation and Educational Leadership" of the University of Huelva.
The conference given by José Manuel Martínez at this opening event was entitled “Training and Innovation Strategy for Vocational Training teachers and the Classroom of the Future”. The advisor based his intervention on the activity that has been carried out at the CIFPA for almost 10 years. The participants asked various questions related to the innovation developed in FP educational centres and the role that the entity has in this area. Also, reflection was made on the systematization of the various work processes related to training and innovation and the proposals, related to the Ateca Classrooms already in operation in Aragon, that are carried out by the CIFPA.