15 OCT CIFPA as a reference in the University of Huelva's innovation master's program
The advisor of the Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA), José Manuel Martínez, participates in the presentation...
The advisor of the Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA), José Manuel Martínez, participates in the presentation...
The Masterclass.TMV pilot project ends and its results are now available as resources for the VET classroom....
CIFPA's advisor, Carmen Sanchez, has participated in the conference organized by the CRN de Piedra de Fines (Almeria)...
New calls are open to present innovation projects and projects to implement active methodologies in the classroom of the...
Masterclass.TMV, which was launched on October 18, 2023, reaches a milestone with the launch of the...
As part of the FP Week program, the CIFPA will host the conference dedicated to Artificial Intelligence in...
Masterclass.TMV, which was launched on October 18, 2023, reaches a milestone with the launch of the...
The Campus VDI platform of the Ateca Classrooms has software installed, ready to be used by the different families...
The presentation of the final product of the DIGinLOGS project was given by Carmen Sanchez, the project coordinator and the...
CIFPA has published the second book dedicated to the ACbR methodology. It is a practical guide to work by challenges...
The X Simulated Companies Fair held in Fraga, on January 31, brought together students and teachers from...
On February 1 at CIFPA, the logistics and transport sector will be presented with the results of the...