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Masterclass.TMV Project: second training session with students

Masterclass.TMV Project: second training session with students

Masterclass.TMV, which started on October 18, 2023, reaches a new milestone with the launch of the second videoconference training session.

On May 8, 2024, the second and last class of the Masterclass.TMV project was held with the students of the first year of the professional family of Transport and Vehicle Maintenance of the participating vocational training centers. After the learning and experience acquired during the development of the first class, a new training session was carried out in which the students attended by videoconference from their centers.

At the end of the practical session, students were able to test the knowledge acquired through a game-test (Kahoot) launched by the technician in charge of the company.

As on the first occasion, a satisfaction survey was passed to the attending students. The result of this survey encourages us to continue with the second project (second phase) for the next course in which participating centers will be expanded, the intervention of students from the Image and Sound family in the realization, development of new contents and an increase in the number of sessions per course.

Masterclass.TMV is an innovation project applied to Vocational Training, coordinated by CIFPA, which aims to provide students with practical professional experiences through the resources provided by ATECA classrooms. The project, of regional scope, started last October 18 with the constitution of the working group formed with the following partners and service providers:

  • IES Sierra Guara (Huesca)
  • CPIFP Bajo Aragón (Teruel)
  • Miralbueno Secondary School (Zaragoza)
  • Paddock 82 Development Center (Zaragoza)
  • Lion Rig Studio (Zaragoza)

More information, news and results of the project in the following link:
