08 Feb "Journey to the Center of the Challenge", second book on ACbR edited by CIFPA.
The book Journey to the Center of the Challenge has just arrived at the Centro de Innovación para la Formación Profesional de Aragón (CIFPA). It has been the result of the work developed by the methodological innovation working group, appointed from the Department of Education, and which has been formed by the teachers: Cristina Cuenca, Paule Mendialdua, Carmen Cortés, Désirée Salamé, Mª Pilar Sánchez, Esther Lample and Violeta Suñer. These teachers work in public vocational training centers in the Aragonese Community and have extensive experience in the implementation of the ACbR methodology in their classrooms.
This book has been designed and edited as a practical guide to facilitate the deployment of this active methodology in their classes. Unlike the first book, Do you accept the challenge? A quick guide to apply ACbR in VET this new publication has been conceived as an adventure in which teachers are transformed in such a way that they are "abducted" by ACbR. The publication includes a series of QRs that link to resources to, among other things, help teachers to prepare didactic programs, create a challenge calendar, the challenge guide, guides for students and teachers, rubrics, work dynamics, etc.
From CIFPA, in addition to providing all teachers interested in the ACbR methodology with the publication in paper, we also provide online access to the book's resources in the Innovadocs section of our web page. In order to access these resources, you must register beforehand and you will receive an e-mail with the corresponding link.
This publication has been possible thanks to the work of the authors, but also to the disinterested collaboration of many VET teachers from Aragon who are very involved in the methodological transformation as a way for students to acquire more active technical skills, but also personal skills.