22 Jan X Aragonese Fair of Simulated Companies
The tenth edition of the Aragonese Fair of Simulated Companies will take place on January 31, 2010, within the framework of the Aragon Courts Pavilion - Fraga (Huesca) from 10:00 am. Once again we will have the great opportunity to experience a day in which the students of the Professional Family of Administration and Management will not only show and inform us about the products and services of the respective companies of their centers, but we will also be able to observe how they carry out commercial operations and transactions between the various participating simulated companies.
This Fair is part of an educational innovation project that started in the course 2004-2005 in which the students who study the professional module of business in The classroom, is organized according to a departmental structure typical of a company. They Develop the functions of an administrative technician and solve the same problems with which they will face, later, in a job within a real company.
On January 31 we will have the opportunity to see in situ the competencies and skills acquired by these students through this successful project.