18 OCT CIFPA participates in the presentation of the Xcelence Orientation Program
CIFPA, one more year, collaborates with the Xcelence Program in the professional orientation of Aragonese students ....
CIFPA, one more year, collaborates with the Xcelence Program in the professional orientation of Aragonese students ....
Informative seminar on the challenge posed by the new vocational training regulations in Aragon....
The advisor of the Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA), José Manuel Martínez, participates in the presentation...
Information day dedicated to the fundamental role of vocational guidance in the new Vocational Training ....
Information day dedicated to the validation of professional modules in the new Vocational Training...
Athens, venue of the 1st transnational meeting of the InclusiVET project, where the partners will hold their first face-to-face meetings ....
Aragon will have 1,350,000 euros to develop innovation projects, together with companies and entities, for vocational training classrooms....
The Masterclass.TMV pilot project ends and its results are now available as resources for the VET classroom....
Three years demonstrating within the Raízes project, rescuing flavors from the FP, the technical skills of FP students....
CIFPA's advisor, Carmen Sanchez, has participated in the conference organized by the CRN de Piedra de Fines (Almeria)...
CIFPA participates together with Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Peru and Chile in the InclusiVET project, which has begun its first steps....
The stand of the Aragón Plataforma Logística at SIL Barcelona was the setting for the presentation given by...