07 Oct Call March - June 2020 for VET student mobilities
The CIFPA calls for a total of 17 mobilities for students in the middle grade and 49 mobilities for students in the grade...
The CIFPA calls for a total of 17 mobilities for students in the middle grade and 49 mobilities for students in the grade...
The 23rd and 24th of September was held at the headquarters of CiPIM Interporto di Parma, host partner of the...
The search for solutions and improvements for the participation of Small and Medium Enterprises in VET projects...
The call for public educational centres to carry out innovation projects in vocational training during the...
Aragon, the State Public Employment Service and the Ministry of Education approve the cIFPA's multiannual action plan...
Aragon, the State Public Employment Service and the Ministry of Education approve the cIFPA's multiannual action plan...
The list of admitted of the call for 10 mobilitys for students of Vocational Training of Higher Degree is published for...
The Government of Aragon has participated today in the first edition of the event ' tomorrow starts today ', which is held in...
The purpose of this event is to present the Simultra project at a general level, making known the purpose...
Last vacancies in activities from 5 to 13 September 2019 Take this opportunity! Registration deadline...
Resolution of 24 of May of 2019 of the General Director of Planning and FP by which convenes the...
Lists of admitted/as are published to the training activities to be developed from June 24 to 28, 2019...