22 Apr FESTO. Free online licenses to LVSIM-EMS
Free licenses for students and teachers to continue training at home in electromechanics The Coronavirus outbreak has forced
Free licenses for students and teachers to continue training at home in electromechanics The Coronavirus outbreak has forced
Materials for teachers in the distance learning of the Vocational Training of Aragon The Ministry of Education and Training...
We propose that if you can participate with your equipment, you should contact the Professional Training Service to ...
Thinking about solutions for your training The current circumstances have forced us to alter the training plans of the teachers of...
The public centres that provide basic vocational training, vocational training of a degree of...
In relation to the preventive measures and recommendations of Public Health taken by the Government of Aragon in the field of...
This is the fifth meeting point between companies in the health and biotechnology sector in Aragon and...
This international forum is a meeting point for professionals in the field of logistics, supply chain management,...
On February 11, CIFPA was invited to participate in the presentation of the Learning Factory at the...
In order to improve the connection between training systems and the labour market, as well as...
Felipe Faci has opened a meeting of teachers in which aspects related to the digital transformation have been addressed...
Fundación Bankia por la Formación Dual and the association of vocational training centres in companies have launched a call for applications for...