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Teacher Training

We build networks of knowledge and experience for you.

Training axis

Digitalization not only brings us closer to people but also allows us to achieve objectives. Our Vocational Training must grow with the digital transformation and allow us to advance in reducing the existing gap with the productive sectors, establishing partnerships with companies as the Department of Education is already doing.

Do you have any questions?formacionfp@cifpa.aragon.es

Lines of training

AGA - Agriculture, Axis - Improvement of professional competence, Axis - Digital transformation, EOC - Building and Civil Works, IFC - Information Technology and Communications, Professional development, Digital transformation of the productive sectors, IFC - Information Technology and Communications, EOC - Building and Civil Works, EOC - Building and Civil Works, IFC - Information Technology and Communications, Professional development, Digital transformation of the productive sectors
AGA - Agricultural, Axis - Improvement of professional competence, Axis - Digital transformation, Professional improvement, Digital transformation of productive sectors
ADG - Administration and Management, COM - Commerce and Marketing, Axis - Improvement of professional competence, Axis - Digital Transformation, Professional Families, FOL - Vocational Training and Guidance, Professional Development, Digital Transformation of the Productive Sectors
AFD - Physical and Sports Activities, AGA - Agriculture, Axis - Digital Transformation, ELE - Electricity and Electronics, HOT - Hotels and Tourism, IMP - Personal Image, INA - Food Industries, QUI - Chemistry, SAN - Health, SSC - Sociocultural and Community Services, TCP - Textile, Clothing and Leather, Digital Transformation of the Productive Sectors, etc.

Co-financed by the European Social Fund


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