20 Jun IV Congress on Educational Innovation. Registration open
From Monday 20 June at 17:00 hours, registrations for the IV International Congress of the...
From Monday 20 June at 17:00 hours, registrations for the IV International Congress of the...
We are already thinking about the 2022-2023 academic year and the programme of training activities that we will offer you at the end of the...
Today at 10:00 a.m. the first of the three technical sessions scheduled for this year will take place as part of the...
The 2020-2021 academic year is coming to an end and what better way to do so than by taking advantage of the last days of June to put...
This Friday, 29 April, a new step is taken in Aragon's vocational training system with the presentation of the...
The 2022 Work Plan of the National Reference Centre for Trade Logistics and Transport Management is already approved,...
We have made a selection of those training lines of transversal digitalization that the teachers are demanding more, with direct application...
This is an initiative of Caixabank Dualiza which aims to serve as a bridge between the company and the...
Since the beginning of this year, a new space has been available at CIFPA to host the new Specialisation Course...
The event was opened by the Director General of Innovation and Vocational Training, Mr. Antonio Martínez, together with the...
Four VET centres in Aragon: CPIFP Pirámide, CPIFP Corona de Aragón, CPIFP Movera and CPIFP San Blas are already...
For four years now, our work to generate actions and services has been recognised...