04 Feb Innovative action: Experience of accompaniment for labour market insertion
As a result of a collaboration agreement between the Federico Ozanam Foundation and CIFPA, the training of the Certificate...
As a result of a collaboration agreement between the Federico Ozanam Foundation and CIFPA, the training of the Certificate...
From CIFPA's iNTiVi Space, the online conference Implementation and methodology
From CIFPA's iNTiVi Space, the online conference Implementation and methodology
From the iNTiVi Space, the online conference Innovation and sustainability in Vocational Education and Training has been retransmitted live to...
The registration period for the courses offered by the National Reference Centre for Commercial Logistics has opened...
The registration period for the courses offered by the National Reference Centre for Commercial Logistics has opened...
This international forum is a meeting point for professionals in the field of logistics, supply chain management,...
Aragon, the State Public Employment Service and the Ministry of Education approve the cIFPA's multiannual action plan...
Aragon, the State Public Employment Service and the Ministry of Education approve the cIFPA's multiannual action plan...